During this season of pandemic, I feel a need to acknowledge how thankful I am for technology in the simple daily things of life.
In this past week, I ordered my groceries and picked them up without leaving my vehicle. I saw my great-granddaughter’s new braces via Facetime. On Instagram. I saw the smiling face of my other great-granddaughter as she and her mother were successful in a day of deer hunting. I watched my adult granddaughter lead a worship service in Montana as I sat in my Illinois living room.
I checked my phone and found where each of my children were at any given moment. I saw the daily activities of my daughter and son-in-law in Florida as they celebrate 38 years of marriage with a short vacation.
My husband received a text message each day reporting on a friend with virus. I saw my Florida friends enjoying their Monday morning coffee via text message and video. Facebook kept me up to date with my friends if they wanted to share, and the never-ending television broadcast of all the latest markets and world news. (I cannot say I am always thankful for this; however, I know it would be missed in our household.)
I have only skimmed the surface of how technology has touched me personally in the past week. And I can get out if I choose. I think what all this might mean to those who are alone, lonely or handicapped. Our doctor’s visits and all that has taken place in the search for a vaccine for the virus are a part of this thanksgiving. I realize many might disagree, but I feel it has become so much a part of our life that we accept it. Is it all good? Of course not! But it is a part of my thankfulness in this season.
I have many more important things in life for which to be thankful. My list can go on and on. I have good health, a wonderful healthy husband,(for our age), a loving family, a beautiful devoted church family, many caring friends, a home in Illinois and another in Florida, sufficient finances and all that any one woman would want or need. And for that I am truly thankful, but today I thought about what technology does for me and am thanking God.