Another thought on relationships in our world today.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, - since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24


Christian people who work in the public workplace are often much more effective for Jesus than the preacher at the church. Christian behavior is expected of the preaching minister. But the worker in the factory who refuses to slack off the job, who never “steals” time or material from the workplace, who uses language appropriate in any society-these people become a spokesperson for God.   

Sometimes without uttering a word the fellow workers begin to question what is different about this worker. It truly is not necessary to preach. Usually our life preaches for us, and the sermon people hear and see from us is one that reflects God’s teaching.

Our manner towards our fellow worker is the best message we can bring to a non-Christian world. Do we have an attitude of superiority or one of fellowship and caring? Those who work around us should never feel we think we are better in any way. Showing joy seems to be an answer the world does not often see. Our only hope for helping them is to be able to relate that we too have problems. We need to reflect a joy that indicates we have a security in our world that overcomes our problems. Complaining and negativity are so much a part of our society that someone who is joyful in the workplace certainly is noticed. It is not necessary to air our “dirty linen” to the world; however, sometimes a bit of personal sharing can indicate to our workplace friends that our day-to-day living is not perfect.

When we leave the lunchroom, the teachers’ lounge or the coffee shop, the response from those around should be “Whatever that person has in their life, I want it.” And then, whether it be the workplace or the social gathering, we can begin to tell them about Jesus and what He has done for us and for them.