As I sat down to write this morning searching for something to share, I began to think how blessed I am. I had just come from the picture on TV of the thousands of refugees at the border in Texas and then came to my computer to read from a missionary about the situations in India. My mind was troubled.
On the shelf above my computer are five pictures, one wedding invitation, a small corsage of artificial flowers, one small piece of black construction paper encouraging me to “Be the moon” and a twisted piece of wire shaped like a person. On the frames of three is printed Grandkids and Great-Grandma and one is our great grandchildren surrounding me in hugs. The fifth is our grandson, Eric, as a small boy riding a go-cart.
Maybe the pictures and the wedding invitation from our youngest granddaughter would be explanatory, but the other items are only meaningful to me. Memories of Mother’s Day, of my great-granddaughter gifting me with a reminder from her Sunday School class and the pieces of copper wire reminding me of her father as a young teenager twisting the wire and talking to me at our kitchen table all flood my heart with how blessed I am.
Each of you reading this also have those mementoes which mean very little to someone else but are so very important to you These are memories that we hold to our hearts and know are the important treasures of life. The pandemic continues. The world news is discouraging. But we must take time to enjoy the many little happenings of life.
Jesus told his followers, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (NKJ John10:10)
Satan is still working in this world, and if we let him, he will destroy or impose on or destroy our abundant life. Those little things that may seem so minor but mean so much are his targets.
He said, “Let not your heart be troubled” and so today I am counting my “little” blessings of life and ignoring the thief who would steal my joy.