“ For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1:21 NIV
I read this reference today in another devotion and went to search for myself. Every translation I read indicated that the people knew God but did NOT thank him. (I read every translation offered on-line). And I thought surely this is wrong. Perhaps Paul was not speaking about people who knew God. Apparently “knowing” God indicates the people believed God existed, but they did not acknowledge His love and provisions for people. Still, as I studied and read commentaries, I was reminded of today’s culture.
I find I am reflecting a bit more than usual about the reasons I must thank God. Since about four days before Christmas, we have endured some hard times physically. First, my new hip replacement pulled from socket (because of my own foolishness.) As I was recovering and doing quite well, my husband fell from a ladder and miraculously did not break bones or receive major injuries. (perhaps an 86-year-old man should not be on a ladder.) I recovered from virus right after thanksgiving, and he tested positive in the ER. And we thank God for His mercy in these situations.
My family is predominant in my reflections. I thank God for each of them and the love they have for God and His kingdom. I am thankful for the love they have for one another, and the love they show for the world around them. And as my husband and I grow older and sometimes do rather foolish things resulting in physical injury, I am thankful for our children and grandchildren and the way they watch out for us (each in their own special way).
Those of us who “know” God should be showing the world around us how very thankful we are for the love and mercy He shows in our everyday life. God’s glory should be a part of our conversation and our actions as we live in today’s environment. If not, I fear that as the people of ancient days our “thinking will become futile and our foolish hearts darkened.”
PRAYER: O Lord bless us even though we don’t always acknowledge how very good you are to us each day. We thank you for forgiving us and showing us your mercy. In Jesus name Amen