Another thought on relationships in our world today.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, - since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24


Christian people who work in the public workplace are often much more effective for Jesus than the preacher at the church. Christian behavior is expected of the preaching minister. But the worker in the factory who refuses to slack off the job, who never “steals” time or material from the workplace, who uses language appropriate in any society-these people become a spokesperson for God.   

Sometimes without uttering a word the fellow workers begin to question what is different about this worker. It truly is not necessary to preach. Usually our life preaches for us, and the sermon people hear and see from us is one that reflects God’s teaching.

Our manner towards our fellow worker is the best message we can bring to a non-Christian world. Do we have an attitude of superiority or one of fellowship and caring? Those who work around us should never feel we think we are better in any way. Showing joy seems to be an answer the world does not often see. Our only hope for helping them is to be able to relate that we too have problems. We need to reflect a joy that indicates we have a security in our world that overcomes our problems. Complaining and negativity are so much a part of our society that someone who is joyful in the workplace certainly is noticed. It is not necessary to air our “dirty linen” to the world; however, sometimes a bit of personal sharing can indicate to our workplace friends that our day-to-day living is not perfect.

When we leave the lunchroom, the teachers’ lounge or the coffee shop, the response from those around should be “Whatever that person has in their life, I want it.” And then, whether it be the workplace or the social gathering, we can begin to tell them about Jesus and what He has done for us and for them.




  "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he has not another to help him up." Ecclesiastes 4:10          

     The relationship between friends is often difficult to describe. Friendship has so many  different levels. And the love displayed in those friendships also has different levels.  An acquaintance is a friend that I know, find pleasant, and visit with them when I meet them in the Walmart.  Do I love them, of course, but not as I love my friend that I play golf with or meet for lunch. These golf and lunch friends are ones I share cute stories about my grandchildren, funny things that have happened recently and all the latest news of town. I love these friends, but not as I love my close friends.

               Close friends are people I share my heart with. I can tell them my sin of the past and feel certain that no one else will ever hear it from them. No criticism, no judgment, no reproach-only a listening ear. History remains history in the eyes of a friend. My “real” friends  laugh at my old jokes and know I cry when I am happy, when I am sad and when I am angry, In fact, the comment of “what are her tears for now?” can sometimes be heard in my crowd of friends.

 Friends hear what you say and know it is not what you mean. Here is where my friends are tested. I often find that what comes out of my mouth does not always indicate what I am thinking. I want to say let me help, but it comes out as critical and fault-finding. My close friends know when I suggest they might have made a different choice that I am speaking in love.

Friends show up three weeks after the funeral with plans for something to do together. Friends are there after the problem is over. Your favorite recipe shows up at your door, not because you need food, but just because you need uplifting. When most people around have forgotten your situation (funeral, divorce, family issue, children in trouble) a good friend asked you to lunch, calls you just to talk, sends a real card (not an e-mail) for no reason. 

Friends tell me they like my new hairstyle even when it is much too short and choppy. My close friends indicate in many ways that they miss me when I am gone. I know they pray with me and for me. My friends know I am afraid of cats and hate needles. Friends do not intimidate you and don’t even try to. Friends of mine show up at the strangest times. If a person is blessed with friends, then one is truly blessed. Friends are God’s answer to loneliness.

 And when we reach old age and these “close” friends are the ones who remain, we realize what true friendship really means.  And I love these friends, but not as I love my best friend, Jesus.  Here is a friend who surpasses all my other friends.  Yet, because of Jesus I know how to love my earthly friends. His is the love that binds us together.

This is an excerpt from the manuscript I am working on now. Sub-title at this point is “THINGS YOUR MOTHER NEVER TOLD YOU” Hope to finish this year



One of the areas of spiritual growth that has been on my mind recently is the area of relationships with other people-our spouse, our family, our church family, and our extended family.  Several years ago, I wrote a series of lessons to use as a study guide with my book JUST WALKING.  The workbook was never published and had almost forgotten about it. I have been looking at this again and many of the points that I covered in that study have been on my heart again. Guess I will share them for a new audience.



"Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." I Thessalonians 5:11

If we are to grow spiritually, we must love one another. We need to remember that we are a family. My own family is filled with adopted children. I have a niece, a nephew and two grandchildren and one foster child who are a part of our immediate family. They are our children and are treated no differently than birth children. We love each child in our family differently, but we love them all the same. To God, we are just like that. We are his adopted children, and we belong to the same family. Think about your church family. I encourage you to list at least five people who you feel truly are your brothers and sisters. Thank God for them and pray for them as you do your physical family.

So often in our church family as in our physical family people are hurt by careless or thoughtless actions and words. If we are to grow spiritually, we need to be careful with our words and actions toward our church family. This week I encourage you to list three things you can do personally to keep members of your church family from being hurt either physically or spiritually.

Have you hurt someone in your church family unintentionally? Today is the day for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness from the person and from God. Pray for the person. And then leave it there at the foot of the cross. Burdens are not meant to be carried forever. Grudges, hurt feelings and unforgiving attitudes are not meant to be a part of the family of God. When our relationship with God's children increases and becomes more loving so then does our love for God.

Pray that God will present you with the opportunity to encourage someone this week. Pray for your church family that you might walk with them on the road to spiritual growth that the world may see Christ and you may walk in the abundant life Christ wants you to have.

Praying and making my lists too.



Wet Oatmeal Kisses

"The baby is teething; the children are fighting. My husband just called- to eat dinner without him."
Okay, one of these days you'll shout! "Why don't you grow up and act your age!" And they will.

Or: "You guys get outside and find yourselves something to do...and don't slam the door!" And they won't.

You'll straighten up their bedrooms neat and tidy...bedspreads tucked and smooth...toys displayed on the shelves. Hangers in the closet. Animals caged. And you'll say out loud: "Now I want it to stay this way." And it will.

You'll prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't been picked to death and a cake with no finger traces in the icing and you'll say: "Now there's a meal for company." But you'll eat it alone.

You'll say: "I want complete privacy on the phone. No dancing around. No demolition crews. Silence! Do you hear!" And you'll have it.

No more plastic tablecloths stained with spaghetti. No more anxious nights under a vaporizer tent. No more dandelion bouquets; or wet, knotted shoestrings; tight boots, or rubber bands for pony tails.

Imagine. A lipstick with a point. No baby-sitter for New Year's Eve.

Washing clothes only once a week. No PTA meetings. No carpools. No blaring radios. No more Christmas presents out of toothpicks and library paste. No more wet oatmeal kisses. No more tooth fairy. No giggles in the dark. No knees to heal.
Only a voice crying, "Why don't you grow up."

And the silence echoing, "I did."

So many times I have shared this with a young mother bemoaning her fate in life. All of us who have raised children know about patience or the lack thereof. If you have grandchildren, or perhaps those beautiful great-grandchildren share the message of patience. Be an encourager to the young parents around you. They need to know our experiences of the past. Share Isaiah 40:31 with them. "But those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint."

Isaiah’s advice is not just for the young people of the world. In this past year of hip replacements, Covid 19 and accidents I have often claimed his promise. I prayed for Patience for bones to heal and strength to return that I might walk and not grow faint. I dream of soaring on wings like eagles. Even though my bones will never let me run amazingly fast, my spirit can soar if only I will keep an attitude of patience.

Our God is a God of patience. I think daily what patience he must have as he forgives me day after day for the same foolish mistakes. And in our hurry-up society we quarrel and fuss and are so impatient about much that really isn't very important. Patience is a fruit of the spirit. Let me be reminded daily to "Wait upon the Lord." May you too wait as you walk with Him. Enjoy your Walk

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